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Jean Baptiste
Catalogues :
Instrumental music
Chamber music
Orchestral music
Vocal music
Complete listing of works
Instrumental music
Trois études vers l'infini /
Three studies towards the infinite
for organ
[7 mn]
12 Etudes op.45 "Cities"
for piano
[31 mn]
La Destruction du temps /
The destruction of the Time
for organ
[9'30 mn ]
24 etudes (easy)
for trumpet
[20 mn ]
Chant du Ténéré /
Song of Ténéré
for organ
[5 mn ]
Click Time
for saxophone
[2 mn 30 s]
The Hands of Time
for organ
[11 mn ]
Bagatelle /
for cello solo
[6 mn 30 s]
Regard vers Agartha
/ A Look towards Agartha
for 4 hands organ
[6 mn 30 s]
Indian's Rock
for harpsichord
[3 mn]
Cinq versets sur le Veni Creator
/ Five Verses on the Veni Creator
Great Organ
[17 mn]
Trois Solos /
Three Solos
for organ
[12 mn 30 s]
Cercles Réfléchissants /
Reflecting Circles
Great Organ
(2007-2008 )
[31 mn 30 s]
L'enfant, le cercle et le vent /
The Child, the Circle and the Wind
for piano solo
[6 mn 30 s]
Trois Eléments d'un songe /
Three Elements of a Dream
for Great Organ
[11 mn 30 s]
Falaises, miroir de lune /
Cliffs, Moon Mirror
for piano solo
(2003 (revision in 2006))
[6 mn 30 s]
Regard vers l'Aïr
/ A Look towards the Aïr
for Organ
[10 mn 30 s]
Chamber music
Double danse /
Double dance
for soprano saxophone (or flute) and organ
[4 mn 30 s]
Parchemins de cendre /
Scrolls ash
for C trumpet and organ
[7 mn 30 s]
Chant de l'Âme /
Song of the Soul
for C trumpet and string quintet
[7 mn]
for piano and violin
(2015 (1) - 2019 (2-5))
[10 mn 30 s]
Les Rouages du temps /
The Cogs of Time
for flute, cello and organ
[5 mn]
for saxophone quartet
[6 min 30 s]
Sur un Sommet
/ On Top
for wind trio
[13 mn]
Chant de l'Âme /
Song of the Soul
for trumpet and piano (reduction)
(2015 (orchestral version in 2014))
[6 mn 30 s]
Citadelle /
for piano and cello
[7 mn 30 s]
Trois Nuits /
Three Nights
for 2 cellos
[17 mn]
Récits héroïques /
Heroic Tales
for trumpet and organ
[12 mn 30 s]
Labyrinthe circulaire /
Circular Labyrinth
for clarinet ensemble
[8 mn]
Reflected Faces
String quartet, harp, flute and clarinet in B flat
[8 mn]
Impulsion /
for 2 pianos and percussions
[10 mn]
Etoile intérieure /
Inner Star
for piano and organ
(1999 (revision in 2015))
[4 mn 30 s]
Orchestral music
for large orchestra and organ
[18'30 mn]
Trois Destinées /
Three Destinies
for soprano and orchestra
[11'30 mn]
for strings orchestra and 2 oboes
[8'30 mn]
La lame des heures
for large orchestra
[10 mn]
Chant de l'Âme /
Song of the Soul
for C trumpet and string orchestra
[7 mn]
Mechanic Fantasy
for organ, string orchestra and timpani
[10 mn 30 s]
Crop Circles
for large orchestra
[10 mn 30 s]
for chamber orchestra
[9 mn]
Paysages parallèles /
Parallel Landscapes
for large orchestra
[11 mn 30 s]
for large orchestra (extract from
Tombeau de Couperin
by Maurice Ravel)
(2002, commissioned by the Orchestre National de Lyon for the "Journées de la composition")
[ 4 mn]
Vocal music
Trois Destinées /
Three Destinies
for soprano and orchestra
[11'30 mn]
for soprano and piano
[2 mn 30 s]
L'Horloge /
The Clock
for bass and piano
[4 mn 30 s]
Poèmes de l'aube et de la nuit /
Poems of Dawn and Night
for mezzo-soprano and piano
[6 mn 30 s]
En Clara vox
for two equal voices and organ
[3 mn 30 s]
for children choir and organ
[27 mn]
Hommage à Reiner Maria Rilke
for soprano and ensemble
[9 mn]
Toccata by Maurice Ravel
transcription for organ
[4 mn]
Anonymous Hymnes and Sequence
for organ
(17th century)
[20 mn]
Claude Debussy: Prelude to the afternoon of a faune, Clair de lune, Cathédrale engloutie
transcritpion for organ
The American Organ
Tout Bach